Joyful services to ensure better quality of life for all

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Our Services

School based intervention sessions

These are sessions in schools to optimise the development, health and wellbeing of school going children with developmental and learning difficulties.
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Peripatetic therapy services

Visiting clients in their own natural environments ensure that their assessments are complete, hence making recommendations / ordering equipment and both minor or major adaptations well-tailored to their needs.
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Standardized Assessments

Provide reliable and evidence based methods of examining discrete abilities or skills to identify or rule out the possible factors that contribute to a child’s ability to participate in the general education curriculum.
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Developmental & Sensory Processing/Integration Screening

Assessing how a child’s sensory processing abilities, fine motor skills, visual motor skills, and gross motor skills impact performance and function in daily life.
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Upper extremity splinting

Intervention where the movement of an arm, shoulder, elbow, wrist or hand is supported, facilitated or restricted by a piece of either aluminium, or thermoplastic material.
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Work place Ergonomics

Improving product design to enhance postural alignment and workspace arrangements in an attempt to reduce strain, fatigue and injuries.
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Pressure garments for scar management

The use of garments that have a compressing effect in order to reduce the occurance and severity of scars.
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Sport injury prevention and management

Provide lessons on how to prevent injuries during sporting activities and how to manage injuries in case they occur and to prevent them from getting worse.
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Thera Suit Method Protocol

The use of a special suit that helps to align the upper body and lower body in order to establish correct posture and weight distribution to enhance development of skills allowing movements to become normalized and automatic.
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Workshops for rehabilitation professionals

Training rehabilitation professionals to improve their skills and knowledge in order to optimise rehabilitation outcomes.
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Workshops for teachers and staff to enhance inclusive education and classroom accommodation plans

Training the teachers and staff to ensure that the education system includes all students, and welcomes and supports them to learn, accommodating their abilities and needs.
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Sensory smart spaces

Designing of spaces that is friendly to cater for the needs of children with sensory processing disorder and facilitate the development of the sensory systems for the neurotypical child.
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Sensory Integration

Sensory Integration is a process that occurs in the brain that allows us to make sense of our world by receiving, registering, modulating, organizing and interpreting information that comes to our brains from our senses. 

Latest blogs & resources

Autism: What You Need to Know

Autism: What You Need to Know

What is autism? Autism also called Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition that affects the normal development of the brain causing challenges with social interactions, communication, learning process, and general behavior. It is called a spectrum because...

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